I've been a technical communicator for 10 years, bridging both print and online documentation needs for software and hardware companies. My instructions and procedures are straightforward and concise. I break long procedures into shorter sub-procedures for easier to use documents.
I started writing technical documents during the birth of the World Wide Web as a public entity, and my mindset when dealing with documentation is to always consider a document as both print and electronic content. Everything I do can be converted for both print and single-sourced electronic publication.
I specifically focus on the structure, organization, and navigation of all documentation I create, because this is the area which is most likely to differ between hard and soft copy content. In print, I create bookmarked PDFs, indexed manuals, and well-designed quick reference cards and brochures. Online, I write indexed and searchable content, cross-linked online help systems, and easily navigated websites and FAQs.
Although document testing is seen as a luxury in technical writing, it is actually a key stage in creating and assuring the quality of your documentation. No technical writer can 100% accurately predict how a user will interact with your product and its documentation. Except in rare rush jobs, I include documentation testing as a component of document development. This testing may provide useful information for user interface, product designers, and QA teams as well.
For complex and high-level subjects, documentation isn't always sufficient for acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to adequately use, maintain, repair, or develop your technology. In addition to good document design and testing, I create all documents that may be used in the classroom with an eye towards practical instructional design. I can create additional classroom materials for trainers, serve in a trainer or train-the-trainer role as needed. I can also produce self-training materials, such as video and interactive DVDs, to provide to clients and students.